




September 12 - 15, 2024, Opatija, Croatia


Submitting Abstracts or Full Papers:

Participants are welcome to submit either abstracts or full papers that align with the research fields related to the specified topics. Each participant is limited to submitting a maximum of two abstracts or papers. Additionally, a participant may only serve as the first author for one paper. It is essential to upload your paper at the time of registration and initial submission, not at a later date.

Note: It is essential to note that failure to pay the conference fee will result in the non-inclusion of the contribution in the Conference Proceedings. Our policy follows a "one fee - one author - one paper" principle.

Participating with an Abstract:

When submitting an abstract, please structure it according to the following headings:

  • Introduction/Purpose
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • References (up to three)

The abstract should not exceed 350 words.

Participating with a Paper:

If you choose to participate with a full paper in the Conference Proceedings, you can upload your paper during the submission process (Submission module - Upload Paper). Authors should adhere to the guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association's 7th edition (APA 7th edition) when incorporating citations in their scholarly works. This comprehensive style guide offers a standardized and well-established framework for citing sources in academic writing. By following APA 7th edition guidelines, authors can ensure that their citations are not only accurate but also consistent, making it easier for readers to locate and verify the sources referenced in their work. Please refrain from using footnotes.

Refer to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual or the APA Style website at for comprehensive standards and procedures. Additional examples and tutorials can be found at

In-text Citations

1 Author (Coakley, 2004)

2 Authors (Brukner & Khan, 2019)

3+ Authors (Henrique et al., 2023)

Group Author First time with an abbreviation: 

(NCD Risk Factor Collaboration [NCD-RisC], 2023) 

Then all subsequent citations: (NCD-RisC, 2023)


Journal Article

Ferreira, S., Lategan, L., Shaw, B., & Shaw, I. (2023). Gender and limb effects on adult normative data for the Biodex Balance System. Kinesiology, 55(2), 222-227.

Web Page

World Health Organization. (n.d.). New WHO framework available for prevention and management of obesity.

News Article

France-Presse, A. (2023, November 8). Extreme weather pushes global wine production to lowest level in more than 60 years. The Guardian.


Bompa, T., & Gregory Haff, G. (2009). Theory and Methodology of Training (5th ed.). Human Kinetics.

Paper Published in the Conference Proceedings

Rodoplu, C., & Arabaci, R. (2021). Non-invasive investigation on heart rate variability and energy expenditure during competition and physical activity of chess players. In S. Šalaj & D. Škegro (Eds.), 9th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Proceedings (pp. 322-326). University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology.

Size and Format:

Your uploaded paper should not exceed a maximum of 6 pages, including abstract, main text, tables, figures, or any other graphical elements, as well as references. The term "page" refers to A4 size, with all four external margins set at 3 cm. In the body of the text, utilize Arial (AR), size 10, with 1.5 spacing. For tables, use Arial Narrow (AN) with a character size of 10 and single spacing. The text should be justified on both sides.


The paper's title should be presented in capital letters (AR, 14 pts, bold, spaced 1.5) and centered, followed by a single blank line. Please avoid including personal and university information in the uploaded paper; such details should be provided in the Submission module under General and author information. Each paper should comprise a title, keywords, an abstract (not exceeding 250 words and without subheadings), the main text, and references. Organize the main text into sections with Subtitles (AR, 11 pts, bold, left-aligned, preceded by one blank line). For experimental studies, include sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and optionally, Acknowledgements, followed by References.

Tables, Graphs, and Figures:

Incorporate black and white illustrations directly within the body of the text. Tables should be in Arial Narrow, 10 pts, referred to in the text as "Table," and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in a single series. Please ensure that tables are provided in an editable format (not as images). Each illustration must include a title, caption, and all descriptions in English. Graphs, pictures, and photographs should be referred to in the text as "Figures" and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in a single series, all in black and white (avoid heavy black). Ensure that these graphical elements are of high quality (digital photographs with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; in .jpeg or .tiff format) to ensure legibility. Colored illustrations are not permitted.



Posters should ideally measure 70 (width) x 100 (height) cm and will be displayed during the conference. Their structure should mirror that of papers but MUST be easily readable from a distance of at least 2 meters. Authors are responsible for all aspects of poster layout and design.

Poster presentations are scheduled for specific time slots on both Friday and Saturday of the conference, with each presentation lasting 5 minutes. These sessions will be moderated by the Poster Committee.

Posters will be exhibited at the entrance to the Congress hall. A number will be assigned to each poster, displayed at the top of the poster board. Posters should be put up by 8:00 AM on the day of the presentation and removed by 9:00 PM the same day. Supplies such as drawing pins and adhesive tape will be provided, and assistants will be available to help.

Any poster not removed by the scheduled time will be discarded.



Contributors who will be younger of 33 years of age in 2024 have the opportunity to participate in the Miloš Mraković Young Researchers Award contest. The Conference on Kinesiology has established the Miloš Mraković Young Researcher Award (YRA) to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of young investigators in the various fields of kinesiology / sport science and adjacent scientific fields.
The YRA candidates will present their works within the designated sections as scheduled in the Scientific Programme, either as a podium (oral) or a poster presentation. Three winners (best papers) will be chosen by the Miloš Mraković YRA Committee. The award ceremony will be held during the Closing Plenary Session.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The award may be assigned to a single author or to a team of authors for the merit of the Paper (not Abstract) submitted to be included in any of the announced Topics sections of the Conference.
  • Candidates are only eligible if they are under or 33 years of age in 2024. No member of the team of authors may be older than 33 years. While registering, do not forget to indicate authors date of birth in the comment section.
  • The paper must not have been presented previously at other conferences nor published in a peer-reviewed journal at the time of presentation.
  • If a team of authors wins, the award will be shared among them.


Papers of the candidates will be judged using the following criteria:

  • Scientific originality of the paper.
  • Quality of both the paper and the presentation, either a podium or a poster one.
  • Quality of the theoretical and methodological approach.
  • Relevance to practice or importance of scientific findings.
  • Design and realization of the experiment.


Select the Young Researcher Award box in the Submission form when registering for the 10th Conference on Kinesiology.