




September 12 - 15, 2024, Opatija, Croatia

Invited lecturer for Top-level Sport...

Editorial board is proud to announce Andrew Jones, PhD DSc, as a distinguished invited lecturer for the section on Top-level Sport.

Andrew M Jones PhD DSc is Professor of Applied Physiology at the University of Exeter, UK. He is one of the world’s leading experts in the physiology of endurance sports, having studied the determinants of, and limitations to, endurance exercise performance for more than 30 years. Prof Jones is internationally recognized for his expertise in the following areas: 1) control of, and limitations to, human skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism; 2) determinants of exercise intolerance and models of exercise-induced fatigue in health and disease; 3) respiratory physiology, particularly the kinetics of pulmonary gas exchange during exercise; and 4) sports performance physiology, training and nutrition. Prof Jones has published >360 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is one of the world’s most cited researchers in the sport sciences with ~40K citations, h-index of 109 and i10 of 311 (Google Scholar). Jones is Editor-in-Chief of the ACSM’s flagship journal, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, and a member of the editorial boards of several other leading journals in the exercise sciences. Prof Jones received ACSM’s prestigious Citation Award in 2020, accepted an honorary doctorate from the Free University of Brussels in 2023, and is an elected member of the Executive Board of the European College of Sport Science. Prof Jones has a keen interest in the translation of sports science research to aid elite sports performance, having served as Lead Physiologist to UK Athletics for many years, as Special Advisor to the English Institute of Sport, and as a consultant to Nike Inc., including as part of their ‘Breaking 2’ marathon project. Andy is a former international distance runner and still holds UK junior age best performances at 10K and the half marathon.

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